What Is Ae on the Periodic Table?

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what is ae on the periodic table?

The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of all the chemical elements that displays their properties in order of increasing atomic number. It is the basis for modern chemistry.

Periodic Table Explained

The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an element and is equal to the number of electrons that surround it. The atomic number provides an important insight into the electronic configuration of an element and can also be used to determine its chemical properties, such as whether it is a metal, non-metal, or inert noble gas.

Periodic Law and the periodic table

Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, was one of the first to propose a periodical law that all the elements had similar properties. He published his work on the relationship of the properties of the elements to their atomic weights in 1869.

He found that several of the elements were incorrectly classified as a result of inaccurate atomic weights. For example, he moved argon from the triad of oxygen-fluorine to the group below chlorine, despite its greater atomic weight. He also rearranged the triads of cobalt-nickel and tellurium-iodine to make the pairs more closely related to each other.

Periodic Table: A visual guide to the elements

The first periodic table was created in 1862 by A.E.Beguyer de Chancourtois. He transcribed a list of the elements positioned on a cylinder in terms of increasing atomic weight, and discovered that closely related elements were lined up vertically. The table proved the periodic nature of the properties of elements and was an important step in the development of modern chemistry.