Lithium Carbide

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lithium carbide is an oxidation-resistant and relatively inexpensive material that can be used in cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Its electrochemically releasing properties enable it to be used in a variety of different applications and is non-toxic and non-flammable.

In addition to its use in lithium-ion batteries, lithium carbide is also used in the production of battery grade lithium metal and as a component of ceramic glazes. It is produced from brines or from hard-rock lithium deposits by a number of different processes and has been used in the production of ceramic glazes for some time.

The reversible specific capacity of lithium carbide for cathode material is higher than that of most other lithium-containing cathode materials, reaching 700 mA h g-1. This is achieved by a high rate of lithium extraction, in which the carbonate moieties combine with Li+ to form C4 (CCCC) chains. The CC bond is often rotated to facilitate the extraction of lithium, as shown by first-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) simulations.

However, a substantial contribution of the total gas evolution during the oxidation of Li2CO3 on charge comes from the oxidation of the carbon substrate and electrolyte, which cannot be ignored in batteries especially in Li-CO2 cells. This can be quantified in a composite electrode consisting of Li2CO3- Super P, labeled with 13C. The 12CO2 and 12CO produced from the decomposition of the tetraglyme electrolyte contribute 12% to the total gas evolution.

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