How Many Neutrons Does Bohrium Have?

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The number of neutrons in an atom is determined by the element’s atomic mass. Neutrons increase the mass of a nucleus by absorbing protons and thus increasing the binding energy. This is why an atom with more neutrons has higher nuclear mass, as compared to a neutral atom of the same atomic mass such as 12C with equal numbers of protons and electrons.

An atom’s atomic mass determines its density, which is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It also determines the resistance of the material to flow of electricity, which is an important property when designing electrical circuits. The unit used to measure electrical resistance is ohms.

In addition to its chemical properties, the number of neutrons in an atom can help scientists predict its crystal structure. The atomic structures of metals, for example, form hexagonal close-packed patterns known as crystal lattices. The structures control the metal’s strength, ductility, density, conductivity (the property that allows electricity to flow through the material), and shape.

Bohrium has 10 stable isotopes with long half-lives, but only a few atoms have ever been made. This synthetic radioactive element is harmful and used only for research purposes, since it decays quickly, emitting a-particles in the process. It was named for Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1922 for his work on the atomic model in which he depicted electrons as having specific orbits around the nucleus.