Copper II Acetate Monohydrate Formula

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copper ii acetate monohydrate formula is a chemical compound that is used as a DNA extractor in biochemical applications and as an oxidizing or catalyst agent in organic syntheses. It is an irritant and toxic substance that can be reduced to metallic copper by adding zinc or iron.

The following is a description of the chemical:

Cu acetate monohydrate is a dark green crystal solid, which is more bluish-green in color than the anhydrous derivative, copper ii acetate (Cu2(OAc)4(H2O)2); however it is slightly soluble in water and alcohols. It is a strong eye and skin irritant and a hepatotoxin.

It can be prepared from aqueous solutions of the reagent by filtration under reduced pressure, and dried in air at room temperature. It can be used as pigment and fungicide in agriculture, as a stabilizer for artificial fibers and in polymerization processes, in galvanic solutions and for preparing other copper compounds.

The crystallization of copper acetate monohydrate from the mother liquor is easy, the precipitate settles easily without forming colloidal particles. This allows many known methods to be applied to separate the reagent from the solution: for example, filtration under ordinary or reduced pressure, centrifugation.


In addition to its use in biochemical applications, copper acetate is also used as a reagent in synthesis of b-dicarbonyl compounds and for the eglinton (modified glaser) coupling of terminal alkynes. It promotes ullmann-type C-O and C-N coupling reactions of arylboronic acids with phenols, amines and various other nitrogen derivatives.